Category: Spritiualism

With You In Your Dreams

We’ve all been there when it comes to having lost loved ones in our dreams. Some will say that it’s our loved one actually visiting us while we snooze. Others will say it’s all in our mind and that we’re projecting our stress, thoughts, and more and they come across as symbols. I have always…

The Ghost Within: When We Create Our Own Entity

It was late at night, and I couldn’t sleep. I heard the crashing in my living room once again. My cats were alert, but they didn’t dare leave my bedroom to investigate. That’s how I knew what it was. Well, I didn’t know for sure what it was, but it scared me, and it wasn’t…

Tips & Tricks on Grounding & Shielding

Imagine yourself in a dark room. It is 3 am and the hairs on the back of your neck are starting to tingle. The location you are in is filled with the spirits of those long passed and you can feel their presence surrounding you.  Perhaps they are angry or sad.  With each bump in…

Mediums, Spirits, and Ectoplasm…Oh My!

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s definition ectoplasm pertaining to the supernatural is “a substance held to produce spirit materialization and telekinesis”. Ectoplasm is better remembered as green slime that ghosts left behind in the 1984 blockbuster hit “Ghostbusters”.  Whether ectoplasm is actually real or not has been much debated in the scientific and paranormal community….

Charles Dickens: Making Ghosts Festive For the Holidays

There was probably no one else who loved Christmas ghost stories more than Charles Dickens.  In fact, majority of the Victorian Era brought forth a new fascination of ghosts, spirits, apparitions, and all things weird.  The rise of Spiritualism was also during this same time.  So it is to no surprise that the holiday season…

The Battle of Spirit Photography

The direct contrast between these two photographers is exactly what has made one obscured, and one infamous.  Mumler went on, after that first fateful photograph, to have a very successful career in spirit photography.  And although, several respected photographers sat for portraits and watched the entire development process with no explanation to the figures behind…

The Paranormal Has Always Been Normal

Written by APS Founder & Mid Atlantic Director: Alex Matsuo   Today, the mainstream media has seemed to make the paranormal “normal” so to speak.  Many people credit television shows and documentary style of presenting the paranormal in such a way where it’s no longer a novelty or cliché, but a legitimate experience that many…

Cleansing: Much More Than Smoke

Written by Cassandra Grounding? Cleansing? What are these words and why do they matter? You may have just visited our page on a whim…or maybe you’re an experienced paranormal investigator.  Either way the subject of clearing out the negative in your life is relevant to all of us. I’m going to give you a quick…

Mediums and Investigators in the Spiritualism Movement: Achsa White Sprague

By Alex Matsuo The story of Achsa White Sprague is an intriguing and fascinating journey from a sickly woman trapped in the confines of a darkened room to a strong woman who became a popular figure in the Spiritualist movement.  Sprague became a popular figure as a Spiritualist trance medium and lecturer after she recovered…