Can simple exercises develop your psychic abilities? Through the years I have always felt I had some gut intuition. The ability to know and feel someone’s aura you could say. I was able to tell whether they were someone I wanted to be around or whether they were someone to keep at a distance. Over the past couple of years, this ability has increased as I dove into research on Parapsychology and its connection to psychic abilities. Through various attended workshops, I noticed that there was more there than just reading other people’s auras. So, with this said, I wanted to share a couple of the exercises that I use or plan to use in the future to develop and build this ability. I keep a very tight schedule, as do most everyone, so it’s not always feasible to work on things every day, though if you can, that’s great.
The First Exercise to Develop Your Psychic Abilities
The first is one of my favorites. It focuses on building your extrasensory perceptions of the things around you as you use what is referred to as “the Clairs”. The Clairs include clairvoyance, clairtangency, clairaudience, clairgustance, and clairalience. These focus on seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling & tasting. Not all of these will be experienced at one time, which is why it is always a great idea to practice constantly. The practice experiment involves going into a random public place and spending 30 minutes of your day.
Now first off, I would like to say that it is good practice to always make sure it is a place you are welcome or have permission to be in. Always be respectful to those around you and the property you are on. Have a seat with your notepad in hand and write down all the things you are feeling. Close your eyes. Are you picking up certain smells? Are certain images coming to your mind? Do you pick up on an energy when you touch an object? What sounds or words do you hear around you? Take note of all of this. The more you open your mind, the more you will take in, and that normally happens the more you practice this exercise.
Once completed, the next step is to verify the information you have taken down. Do your own research to validate the findings. One of my favorite places to do research is But there are many other sources online and in public libraries that can provide you with historical information. If you don’t find something right away to back up the things you were feeling, it’s ok. Keep practicing and don’t get discouraged. It’s all about learning and continuing a journey to grow.
The Second Exercise to Develop Your Psychic Abilities
The second exercise I suggest is one you can do in the comfort of your home. In the times of Covid, that’s not always a bad thing. All you need for this one is a deck of playing cards or even a deck of tarot cards. Have a seat at the table or on the floor, whichever makes you the most comfortable. Set the stack of cards in front of you and place your hand on the top card. Close your eyes to focus on what the card on the top of the deck is. See the image in your mind. When you feel confident you have it, at this time flip the card over to see if you are correct.
Will you always get it right? No, you won’t. However, this exercise is built to open your mind and to feel and see energies. It’s important to be able to determine their meanings of them.
The more experience you get with these exercises, the more you will begin to develop your psychic abilities. The best way to learn to trust your instincts is through experience and learning to trust the spirit world to guide you in the right direction. It’s always best to trust your intuition, and just because someone else didn’t experience it, doesn’t mean that it was not real for your experience. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I will continue to share my journey and favorite practice exercises throughout the journey.
the first exercise is merely a jumble of noise, what is the person looking for, where is the guidance, stating “do some research” on what, names they heard from people talking. why mention psychometry “perceiving information from objects” without clarifying what they are supposed to be doing? as for seeing what images come to mind with various smells, this is merely cross modality of the senses, for example, smelling apple pie, can make you quite literally taste it and have memories of grandmother, where is the psychic is this.
clairgustance, clairailience (means the same thing) though they are associating with clairaudience (hence the ears nose and throat) as one can have an affect on the other as in a medical setting.
The second exercise is actually not bad.
Hello, I’m 18 years old. For years since I was a child I’ve dreamt and or have had visions that years later come true. It runs in my family. I’ve been able to see the paranormal and feel what anyone/anything around me is feeling. But it feels weak when im trying to use my “ability” so I’ve been trying to strengthen it. I hope these exercises work, thank you.
[…] like a crystal ball or water to enter a trance state. This helps access clairvoyant abilities10. Start practicing in a public place for 30 minutes to improve your psychic exercises and […]
[…] The path to psychic development is personal. This article has given you a guide to start your journey18. You now know about meditation, aura reading, and talking to spirit guides. You also know how to balance your chakras1819. […]
[…] Engaging in specific psychic exercises can help you grow your intuitive skills. You can try psychometry, which means feeling the energy of an object, or dream interpretation to find hidden messages21. […]
[…] Want to Develop Your Psychic Abilities? Try These Exercises –… […]
I…..relate to this article. I have some abilities and want to learn to use them properly and to help people. If you get time think you can suggest same reading material for me? It is very important to me to understand my….. gifts so I don’t inadvertantly do something wrong. I’m very excited but at the same time a bit fearful. This is not something I take lightly and not a toy. Thank you for your time.