I Love a Ghost Story
To me, there is nothing more thrilling than a good ghost story! As a paranormal investigator, I love when people share their stories with me. The following story is part of a series of posts I call “I Love a Ghost Story.”
I want to state for the record that these stories strictly fall under the category of “personal experiences.” The Association of Paranormal Study is not saying these stories are or are not paranormal. However, it is my personal motto that I will never discount someone’s personal experience; it is our pleasure to share those experiences.
Catawba College

Founded in 1851 and located in Salisbury, North Carolina, Catawba College is a private college affiliated with the United Church of Christ. With a student size of approximately 1,300, Catawba College has a community that represents 34 states and 20 foreign countries. Though it has a short history, the town of Salisbury is rich with history, and the college campus is a part of that.
So, it is no surprise that there are ghost stories to be told.
About the Storyteller
A graduate of Catawba College, Chad Weaver has had one such experience in the Omwake-Dearborn Chapel, the campus’ chapel. With his permission, I would like to share his account; while Chad has given us permission to use his identity, all other names have been changed.
Chad began his search for a college/university where he could play soccer. After a college visit to Catawba College, he quickly realized that this is where he wanted to be, whether it was for sports or not. While developing friendships as well as getting a solid education, Chad was also interested in the local lore about the haunted locations on campus, particularly with the chapel.
The Story
One late night in the fall, after his high school friends, Ben and Chris, came down to visit from another campus, their curiosity took control and they made their way to the chapel. For an added extra measure of protection, Chad invited his college buddy, Dan, to join them. This group consisted of everyone from a skeptic to a fanatic of the paranormal.

Once the group arrived at the chapel, they checked the front door. The chapel is normally open to the students during the day, but this particular night, the doors were locked. However, campus security usually forgot to lock an adjoining door that connects from the coffee house beside the chapel. The group was in luck that evening. They made their way through the unlocked door, through the coffee house, and into the chapel.
Important Note from the Author
Do not go into locked buildings after hours if you do not have permission. The Association of Paranormal Study does not condone trespassing for the sake of the paranormal!
The Story Continues

Chad and his friends were standing near the altar in the Apse to see if there would be any activity: noises, movement, etc. Eventually, the group decides to split up to see if they can find other areas that may be active. Dan stays where he is, and Chad, Ben, and Chris move as a group to the opposite side of the chapel. After a while and with no activity, the group meets back up and heads towards the Narthex. As they are walking towards the Narthex, they notice that this area is darker than the Chapel itself (but Chad states that it was the light illuminating from the Chapel windows).
As they are moving into the Narthex, Chad notices a shadow to the left of him that moves. It stops in front of the Chapel doors. Then, there is a slam against the main doors; the slam is so violent that it shakes all the doors connecting the Narthex. Everyone in the group runs away very quickly, through the Chapel and down the stairs through the way they entered. Once they get outside, Chad can hear the organ in the Chapel playing.
“I have never heard the organ play unless somebody is in there playing the organ, and I don’t know how anybody would have gotten from the front, into the coffee house, and up there without us passing them at some point.”
Chad steps towards the door. The organ sounds as if someone slams their hands on the keys, creating a tumultuous and threatening noise. Chad steps away, and the organ continues to play the melody it was previously playing. So Chad steps up again, and once again, the sound changes back to the slamming of the keys. After that, the group decided that they would call it a night.
Since that night, Chad has only set foot in the Chapel one other time.
History of Catawba College. Catawba College. (n.d.). Retrieved August 3, 2022, from https://www.catawba.edu/collegehistory/
Have a story to share?
If you have a story you would like to share, please reach out to us – more specifically, tedw.aps@gmail.com. We would love to feature your story on our site!
Great story…a bit “The Ghost & Mr. Chicken”…haha..but I believe it if Chad says it’s so..then it leads me to the next question. What happened on his “one other time” visit? Inquiring minds want to know! Enjoyed this story immensely. Thanks for sharing.