The Association of Paranormal Study will be investigating the St. Albans Sanatorium in Radford, VA on Saturday, May 28th! We will be going in with the mission to investigate and research the claims of paranormal phenomenon. With the assistance of our Meetup members, we will be investigating all night! “It’s sure to be an interesting…
Phantom Noises: Is It Paranormal?
Phantom noises are a funny thing. You think they would be easily debunkable. One of the things that I am still puzzeled was a phantom noise I heard while at the El Campo Santo Cemetery in Old Town, San Diego, California. It was actually one of the first pre-APS investigations as a cohesive group, occurring…
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Is Modern Day Ghost Hunting & Investigating Disrespectful?
This perhaps may be an armchair critic rant, but given the amount of teams I’ve been working with in terms of consulting for them or doing classes and I’ve been noticing a trend. Now, this is merely an observation that I would honestly love to get input on for anyone who wants to pitch in…
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Is One Coast More Haunted Than The Other?
We’re going to take a break from research and academic-y posts and I would like to share something with you that’s been on my mind. Since moving here to Raleigh, NC from San Diego, CA in June of 2013, I’ve been noticing that I experience much more paranormal activity on the east coast. My team…
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Sleep Paralysis: Is It Paranormal?
Probably one of the most popular emails I receive involves the client being awakened for whatever reason, they’re not able to move or speak, they feel a weight on their chest, and they may feel a dark presence in the room. The client may even see things around the room like a ghost, spirit, demon,…
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Mediums, Spirits, and Ectoplasm…Oh My!
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s definition ectoplasm pertaining to the supernatural is “a substance held to produce spirit materialization and telekinesis”. Ectoplasm is better remembered as green slime that ghosts left behind in the 1984 blockbuster hit “Ghostbusters”. Whether ectoplasm is actually real or not has been much debated in the scientific and paranormal community….
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Anna the Prophetess
Today is Christmas! And Christians around the world will be celebrating it as the birth of Jesus Christ. Yes, while we know Jesus was most likely not born on December 25th, it is the day designated for the celebration. Growing up Christian, what fascinated me the most wasn’t the birth of Christ (I know, very…
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The Story Behind Holiday Traditions
Mist and cloud and darkness veil the wintry hour, But the sun dispels them with his rising power. Mist and cloud and darkness often dim thy day But a Christmas glory shines upon thy way. May the Lord of Christmas, Counsellor and Friend, Light thy desert pathway even to the end. – F. R. Havergal…
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Charles Dickens: Making Ghosts Festive For the Holidays
There was probably no one else who loved Christmas ghost stories more than Charles Dickens. In fact, majority of the Victorian Era brought forth a new fascination of ghosts, spirits, apparitions, and all things weird. The rise of Spiritualism was also during this same time. So it is to no surprise that the holiday season…
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APS Searches For the Holiday Spirit
LOCAL PARANORMAL TEAM SEARCHES FOR THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT Association of Paranormal Study to host toy drive for local non-profit RALEIGH, NC –Association of Paranormal Study (APS) is pleased to announce that they are taking a giant leap forward towards their mission of public education and community enrichment with the event, “Ghosts of Christmas Presents”, which…
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Informal Paranormal Podcast
- Episode 8 - Live Recording for Paranormal Day
- Episode 7 - Paranormal Bloopers with APS CORE
- Episode 6 - The Ghost Studies with Brandon Massullo
- Episode 5 - Haunts & History with Dr. Katherine Loflin
- Episode 4 - Michelle L. Hamilton on Ghosts of the Civil War and Spiritualism
- Episode 3 - Robin Pyatt Bellamy on Mothman, Women in the Paranormal, and Reality TV
- Episode 2 - Legends of the Outer Banks
- Episode 1 - Ghost Hunting in People's Homes
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