Amelia Cotter

The Legacy of Lore: Why Our Ghost Stories MatterGhostly Images at 10:45am-11:30am

Amelia Cotter (she/her) is a distinguished author, researcher, and storyteller with a profound interest in the supernatural, history, and folklore. She has authored several acclaimed books, including Where the Party Never Ended: Ghosts of the Old Baraboo Inn, This House: The True Story of a Girl and a Ghost, and Maryland Ghosts: Paranormal Encounters in the Free State, and is a proud member of the Society of Midland Authors. Amelia frequently contributes to notable publications such as Haunted Magazine, Paranormality Magazine, The Feminine Macabre, and The Morbid Curious.

Amelia is a regular cast member on the Really Channel’s The R.I.P. Files, and her work has been featured on the Travel Channel’s Hometown Horror, as well as in documentaries like Scary Stories and Tinker’s Shadow: The Hidden History of Tinker Swiss Cottage

For more information about Amelia Cotter and her work, visit her official website at or reach out to her at

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