Karen and Chris Carothers

Panel: Maybe It’s a Faerie, Not a Demon – How Mythology and Neopagan Theologies Can Lead Us to a Wider Classification of Entities in Paranormal Encounters with Victoria JayeGhostly Images at 3:30pm-4:15pm

Karen and Chris Carothers are co-founders and chief investigators of Patapsco Paranormal Investigation and Research, located near Baltimore, MD. Lifelong paranormal enthusiasts, Karen and Chris have been working together since 2003 and have investigated many historic sites and battlefields, including several in and around Gettysburg. Practicing Pagans for most of their adult lives, they are third and second degree elders, respectively, in the Amber Rose Tradition of Wicca and are also members of CedarLight Grove, a Druid group in Baltimore.

Outside of the paranormal, Chris studies Civil War history and acts with several community theater troupes. Karen is a flautist with the Columbia Concert Band and Flute Cocktail flute choir, loves anything to do with yarn, and is a rocket scientist. Yes, really (ask her about her background and years of experience in aerospace engineering)!

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