Tag: cry of the banshee

“Ghosts Abroad Ireland” by Vanessa Hogle is a Triumph for Forgotten History

Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, Vanessa Hogle released her latest book, Ghosts Abroad Ireland. This was a unique look into the hauntings of Southern Ireland. It’s filled with “hole in the wall” haunted places that stray from the beaten path. Meaning, you’re not going to read about popular haunted hot spots in this…

Banshee: The Omen of Death

The banshee is probably one of the most famous of Irish folklore.  Contrary to popular belief, the banshee is not a ghost. Instead, it is part of the faery world.  The word “banshee” actually means “faery woman.” Whether there is just one banshee, or several banshees, the quantity has always been a mystery.  Legend says…