Category: Investigating

In the End

When listening to people talk about the death of their loved ones and the possibility of life after death, I always hear the same type of statement, “Until we meet again”, “When I see you again”, etc. I have heard this from every person from super religious individuals to atheists. It confuses me because the…

The Diabolical

What is your perception of Evil? Is it the devil, demons, aliens the supernatural? Is it people, disease, famine and despair? Is it witchcraft and curses? Gambling, violence, war and drugs? Is it all of these things? Where does Evil come from? Is it man-made or otherworldly? I often wonder. When I was about eight…

The Thin Veil

It’s that time of the year again. Halloween is upon us, followed by the day of the dead. I’ve heard from psychics, witches, healers, ministers and paranormal investigators throughout the years; the veil is thin this time of year. Yes, I have had experiences this time of year and every other time of the year….

Recording Requirements for EVP/AVP Investigations

The trend in investigation these days seems to be toward using phones or an app for everything. The result of this has been more and more evidence that is unsuited for analysis or study. The problem is that phones and most low-end audio devices lack sufficient bandwidth to obtain evidence that can hold up to…

Residential Cases: Why Bother?

I was recently interviewed on the “American Ghost Hunter” show, and I was faced with a question that I often hear these days. Why residential cases? Why indeed… For the past seven years of APS’ existence, our bread and butter have been residential cases. My experience in paranormal investigation goes far beyond the seven years,…

APS to Participate in the World’s Largest Ghost Hunt

The Association of Paranormal Study is thrilled to announce that they will be participating in the 2018 World’s Largest Ghost Hunt, hosted by National Ghost Hunting Day! We’re especially excited for this year because it’s all about historic preservation and saving historic places!  We will be investigating the Trivette Clinic on September 29th, 2018. There will be…

Feeling the Pain of the Dead

In the two years I have been investigating with APS, I have had two experiences of stories being told through shared feelings of pain. We are taught as young children to share. We do this throughout our life. But I had not really given thought to how much of that goes with us when we…

10 Self-Care Tips for the Paranormal Investigator

This will probably be the least paranormal or spooky blog that I’ve ever written. Yet, I feel like this is an important part of the investigative and researching process that no one really talks about; self-care. Sure, I’ve heard plenty of tips and advice telling me to pray for protection from evil ghosts, demons, Bigfoot,…

Layers of a Haunting: Why Limit Ourselves?

This week, I want to put something out there for discussion: When we go out on a paranormal investigation, we seem pretty confident that we know who (and what) we’re trying to communicate with. Well, maybe we’re confident 50% of the time. It’s likely that the statistic is smaller than that. However, we try to…

The Difference Between Real Life Ghost Hunting & Ghost Hunting on TV

Greetings from Williamsburg, VA! I must say that the entertainment industry seems to be taking a step back from paranormal reality TV. I don’t really want to spend a significant amount of time on this blog bashing it, because ghost hunting shows aren’t really trying to show truth. They are trying to sell something. They…